The journey toward feeling better and living better, or “recovery,” is individually defined and shaped differently by each person. Our role at Lenape Valley Foundation is to provide services, information, hope, and support as requested along the way. Areas that may be addressed in the process include mental and physical health, family and social life, education and work, recreation and spirituality.
Each individual and family arriving at Lenape Valley Foundation for mental health services presents with a unique set of issues, preferences, and concerns. One thing all have in common, however, is the desire to feel better and live better. No matter how significant problems may seem at the time, Lenape Valley Foundation believes that circumstances can improve for everyone who seeks help. This includes those who are temporarily reacting to significant stress in their lives, and to those who are struggling with severe and ongoing psychiatric illness.
Stories of recovery are unfolding at Lenape Valley Foundation every day. They are grounded in hope for the future, belief in a positive human spirit, plus the courage and determination to succeed. They are an inspiration to all who have had the privilege of participating in them or hearing about them. People working and receiving services at Lenape Valley Foundation believe that this inspiration enhances the community of Lenape Valley Foundation and all of the services we provide.
Lenape Valley Foundation embraces staff and service recipients alike in our community of recovery.